Do you or your teen struggle to make friends. I think it is something that everyone struggles with at some point in their life. Especially when you or your teen is more anxious. Anxiety can really block our teens from making friends. Yet we all feel the need to make more friends but don't seem to know how.
A good starting point is to start looking people in the eye and just smiling. This lets others know that you are open to having a conversation with them.
Once you get super comfortable doing that start saying "HI" to everyone you see. Even just walking down the street or in the hallway at school. Just say "HI" to everyone. Once you are comfortable with that just start introducing yourself to everyone you come in contact with. If you are not sure that you have spoken to them or met them before start with "I am not sure if we have met before"
Remember, everyone is uncomfortable when talking to someone for the first time. Some people just hid it better or have really worked hard to become more comfortable. You can do the same thing.
Once you start looking people in the eye, smiling and saying "HI" and introducing yourself to everyone you come in contact with, you will find yourself opening yourself up more to possible friendships.
Give it a try.
If your teen or young adult it struggling with making friends, I can help. I have helped 100s of teens navigate all kinds of relationships, even when they are anxious.