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Anxiety BackPack Program
16 Weeks


Hello my friends,


What the heck is an anxiety backpack? Anxiety is something most of us feel everyday. I want to tell you that it’s ok to feel that. As long as we can start to recognize it as anxiety and see that the thoughts that we are thinking are creating the anxiety that we are feeling. I want to help you get control of your anxiety. We don't need to suffer from it anymore. We are going to take back your control. Anxiety doesn't have to control your life. I want to show you how!


In this 16 week program I will help you develop strategies to deal with your every day Anxiety and build up your self-confidence. All coaching is one on one and you will be given worksheets to work on each week. So get your anxiety backpack on and let's get to work.


Book your Parent Strategy Session with me and find out how we can make this program work for your Teenager. Click the link below.

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